Monday, January 28, 2013

Vampire Weekend - Diplomat's Son

Artist: Vampire Weekend
Song: Diplomat's Son
Album: Contra
Year: 2010

"It’s not right but it’s now or never, and if I wait could I ever forgive myself?"

*AN EXPLANATION: I would really like to write a witty and fruitful comment, but meh! I don't really have something to offer to you. In fact I do, but I doubt you'd be interested in what I have to say, it would bore you and/or depress you and I don't want that. I want you to keep coming back to my blog, even though I don't know if there's a constant "fan base", I think the stats are fine, but sometimes I doubt they're reliable. I tend to think is just the 'Blogger' staff/servers checking I'm not posting something inappropriate or merely spam-bots... 

So if you are one who checks this blog constantly, please manifest yourself in the comments, send me an email, or anyway you want, just tell me something, your opinion,  your complaints, your suggestions, your musical tastes, a band you've discovered through this blog, or even better, invite me to form a band with you, really, anything would do, just so I know. Thank you...

1 comment:

  1. Lo creas o no, ahora como he tenido más tiempo libre, me he dedicado a escuchar todas y cada una de las canciones que has posteado de la última hacia atrás, hasta que llegue a esta. Algunas me han gustado mucho, otras no tanto, pero considerame "fan" del blog, porque de hecho también he leido tus comentarios y hasta los "no comentarios" que de repente me topo. Voy a seguir retrocediendo, mientras me permita el tiempo libre. :)
