Monday, May 6, 2013

Editors - A Ton of Love

Artist: Editors
Song: A Ton of Love
Album: The Weight of Your Love
Year: 2013

"Taken by force, twisted fate, well, what weighs more down on your plate? A ton of love? A ton of hate?"

*A CONFUSED ONE: Well, first of all, this is supposed to be out on July 1st. And I don't know if I'm excited or doubtful and expectant. Let me explain myself. A year ago, when Chris Urbanowicz left the band, claiming that it was"a decision entirely based upon future musical direction..." I was really disappointed because his guitar style was a one of the main reasons, if not the most important, my attention was drawn towards this band. That is also why I didn't embrace their third album as much as the 2 previous ones.

Today I heard this, the first thing that came to mind was "Is this U2's 'Even better than the real thing'?" then when the 'Desire' bit came, another U2 resemblance was made. I don't dislike it, but I don't love it either, I mean, not for now, I have to process it and it may grow on me and in the end this is a single and singles are supposed to be friendly, right? Right o.O? But for now I kind of see why Chris left the band in the first place and that is a bit discouraging.

I hope the rest of the album is a marvel or a bit less, but awesome nonetheless. I can only hope.

1 comment:

  1. No había escuchado esta canción, y vi hasta ayer el video, dije: ah, esta buena, pero cuando vi al final que eran ellos mi reacción si fue de WTF!! Editors!!! yo los tenia en un concepto mas oscuro
