Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tokyo Police Club - The Harrowing Adventures Of...

Artist: Tokyo Police Club
Song: The Harrowing Adventures Of...
Album: Elephant Shell
Year: 2008

"The harrowing adventures of you and I when we were captains of submarines made of steel, discovering the seven seas fending off the giants of the deep, pendants from hanging teeth..."

"Led me to your old home, set the tables for two alone, pass the salt, pour the wine 'cause I'm alright if you're alright..."

*A REMEMBRANCE: This song reminds me of me and who used to be my best friend when we were just kids. We spend a lot of time at each other's houses, playing literally with our imagination, pfff all the adventures we created, all the games we invented. Mostly inventing several characters with different powers and completing several missions, saving each other, pretty elaborated stuff, funny times. I remember one game we played when we were at my grandparent's house, we went out to the sidewalk and there was this big plant pot, big enough so both of us could hide, we pretended that the cars were some kind of evil entities, so we stood on the sidewalk and we waited for the car to be at a certain distance, and then we ran like hell try to dodge the car by hiding behind the plant pot or sometimes, when we saw we wouldn't reach the pot, a fence a try or even a passerby.

Simpler times, for sure...

And remember... If you liked it, buy it...

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